Einhaltung internationaler Sicherheitsstandards
The payment card industry data security standard. This protocol establishes requirements for organizations that store, process, and transfer data from Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and others. Every company that works with such data is required to undergo certification. Our Cloud has passed the annual QSA audit and confirmed its compliance with the standard.
This not only means that we can work with payment data, but also confirms the high level of security of our infrastructure in general.
More about PCI DSS certification →

ISO 27001
An information security standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission.
Establishes requirements for information security management. Companies that have passed the ISO 27001 certification confirm that they work with data in the most competent way and all their information assets are under reliable protection.
The main principles of the standard are confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. The certified company must confirm that the data will be stored safely, and only those who have the right to do so will be able to access it.
To ensure that these conditions are met, our company has created and implemented an information security management system. We passed all stages of an independent audit and confirmed the compliance of our system within the requirements of the standard.

The General Data Protection Regulation is an EU regulation that controls the collection, storage, and processing of personal data (PD) of all EU residents.
The regulations contain many different requirements for PD processing. One of them is secure data storage.
Any organization that works with European data (even if the company is not physically located in the EU) is subject to the regulation.
We strictly monitor the legality, fairness, and transparency of administering personal data, and we can guarantee the protection of data from loss, unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure.
Gcore complies with all GDPR requirements, both with respect to personal data stored by our customers and with respect to customer data.
Richtlinie zur Verarbeitungpersonenbezogener Daten →

Wie wir Daten während der Speicherung und Übermittlung schützen
Schutz vor unbefugtem Zugriff und Datendiebstahl
Tools für Sicherheitsanalysen und Schwachstellenprüfung
Trusted Computing
Sicherung Ihrer Virtualisierungsumgebung
Kryptografischer Informationsschutz zum Verschlüsseln von Datenbanken, Datenträgern und Dateien sowie zum Schutz von Kommunikationskanälen
IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
Schutz vor unbefugtem
Zugriff und Firewall
Zuverlässige Datenspeicherung
Zertifizierte Betriebssysteme
Datensicherung und Wiederherstellung zuverlässige Datenspeicherung
Schutz von Inhalten während der Lieferung über unser Netzwerk
Proprietäre und gemeinsam genutzte SSL-Zertifikate
Tokenisierung und signierte URLs
Quellvalidierung mit SSL
Erzwungene Umleitung zu HTTPS
AES 128/256-Verschlüsselung und DRM für die sichere Bereitstellung von Videoinhalten
Sicherer Zugang zum Control Panel
Zugriff auf das Panel über API mit Token