Edit article guide
Edit article guide
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Home/Edit article guide

If you need help in proposing changes on GitHub, use the guide below:

1. Open any article and scroll down to the footer. Click Edit on GitHub.

2. The new page will open (this page). Click Edit on GitHub above again.

3. Sign in to your GitHub account.

4. (First time only) Click Fork this repository. This will copy the Gcore product-documentation repository to your account. Next time you propose changes to our articles, this page will not be there.

Fork this repository function on GitHub

5. Select the appropriate action from the options below, and follow the instructions.

1. Make edits in the field, click Commit changes... and then click Propose changes in the pop-up.

2. Click Create pull request.

Create pull request function on GitHub

3. Click Create pull request again.

Create pull request function on GitHub

That’s it. The Gcore technical writers will be notified of your request and will process it. You will receive a message to your GitHub account email about their decision.

1. Remove the incorrect information from the <a href="https://wrong-link"> attribute. Insert the correct <a href="https://right-link"> link in its place, click Commit changes…, and then click Propose changes in the pop-up.

2. Click Create pull request.

Create pull request function on GitHub

3. Click Create pull request again.

Create pull request function on GitHub

That’s it. The Gcore technical writers will be notified of your request and will process it. You will receive a message to your GitHub account email about their decision.

Note: You cannot fix a screenshot or a layout error (button or content does not work, block is displayed incorrectly, etc.) in the product documentation yourself. If you find errors of this kind, let us know and we’ll fix it.

1. To delete a screenshot or a fragment with an error, click Commit changes in the pop-up that appears, describe the error, and click Propose changes.

2. Click Create pull request.

Create pull request function on GitHub

3. Click Create pull request again.

Create pull request function on GitHub

That’s it. The Gcore technical writers will be notified of your request and will process it. You will receive a message to your GitHub account email about their decision.

If you found an error in the text and do not want to correct it yourself, follow these steps:

1. Highlight the text fragment with the error, delete it, or write a suggestion to enable comments. Click Commit changes, describe the error in the popup, and click Propose changes.

2. Click Create pull request.

Create pull request function on GitHub

3. Click Create pull request again.

Create pull request function on GitHub

That’s it. The Gcore technical writers will be notified of your request and will process it. You will receive a message to your GitHub account email about their decision.