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Home/Video Streaming/Troubleshooting/Real-Time Video issues/Error message

Solve possible Real-Time Video errors

This article contains a list of errors that may occur while using Real-Time Video. 

If the recommendations below do not help, please contact your administrator or technical support

Error text Causes and recommendations

Server connection

Server connection error

Please, check your internet connection

A server connection error has occurred.

The cause of the error is fixed or mobile Internet short-term disconnection.

1. Please check your internet connection and refresh the page.

2. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

The connection to the server has been lost

The connection to the server has been lost.

The cause of the error is fixed or mobile Internet short-term disconnection.

1. Check your internet connection and refresh the page.

2. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

Server connection error

Server connection error.

This is an unusual situation, we are already working on it and the server will become available soon.

1. Please refresh the page and try again.

2. If the situation has not changed, write to your system administrator or to our technical support

Communication with interlocutors (audio/video/chat)

Unable to get video/audio content of one of the interlocutors

A server connection error has occurred.

Unable to get video/audio content of one of the interlocutors.

1. Please refresh the page and try again.

2. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

Chat error

Unable to receive and send messages

A server connection error has occurred.

Unable to receive and send messages.

1. Please refresh the page and try again.

2. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

Unable to open the chat

A server connection error has occurred.

Unable to open the chat.

1. Please refresh the page.

2. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

Unable to send the message

A chat error has occurred.

Unable to send the message.

1. Please refresh the page.

2.Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

Microphone/camera usage

The microphone is no longer available

The microphone cannot be found.

Check its settings or reconnect.

1. Please refresh the page.

2. Make sure the required audio device is selected in the microphone settings.

The selected microphone cannot be connected

The selected microphone cannot be connected due to incorrect device operation or server error.

1. Please refresh the settings.

2. Refresh the page.

3. Make sure the required audio device is selected in the microphone settings.

Server-side microphone error

A server-side microphone error has occurred.

The audio stream is not available on the server.

1. Please check the page.

2. Make sure the required audio device is selected in the microphone settings.

3. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

The camera is no longer available

The camera cannot be found.

1. Check its settings or reconnect.

2. Please refresh the page.

3. Make sure the required video device is selected in the camera settings.

The selected camera cannot be connected

The selected camera cannot be connected due to incorrect device operation or server error.

1. Please check its efficiency and settings.

2. Refresh the page.

3. Make sure the required video device is selected in the camera settings.

Server-side camera error

A server-side camera error has occurred.

The video stream is not available on the server.

1. Please refresh the page.

2. Make sure the required video device is selected in the camera settings.

3. Check that you are not using a VPN.

Sometimes, public and corporate VPN services restrict necessary connections and speed.

This affects the connection to the server.

Unable to turn on camera or microphone

Unable to turn on the camera or microphone.

1. Please make sure the site is allowed to use the camera and microphone.

2. If there is no permission to use the camera and microphone, follow the instructions.

Additional options (camera change/quality change/username change/screen sharing)

Camera switch error Please refresh the page and select the required camera.
Image quality cannot be changed

1. Check the camera’s operation and settings.

2. Please refresh the page.

3. Make sure the required video device is selected in the camera settings.

Screen sharing error

The current browser may not be able to support the screen sharing option.

Please refresh the page and try again in the current or other browsers.

Unable to change the name

1. Please refresh the page and try again.

2. The administrator may restrict the opportunity to change the username. In this case, contact the administrator who created the video call room.

Connection to the call

Unable to join the call

1. Please, make sure the connection link hasn't changed, refresh the page, and try again.

2. Check if the PIN is correct.

3.The administrator may deny access to unauthorized users. In this case, get permission from your administrator.

Unable to join the call in Chrome and Yandex Browser on iOS

Apple allows video calling on iOS only in the Safari browser.

1. Please open the link in iOS Safari browser.

2. Check if your browser is compatible with Real-Time Video.

There is a blank screen instead of a call room interface

Please check if the link is correct.

Refresh the page.

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