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Why Gcore


as a service

Run code as a function without creating and maintaining virtual machines. Get a 99.9% production-level SLA and competitive pricing. See below how our pricing differs from the competition.

Function as a service

Compare our prices with other providers

We provide the best value for the same workload, ensuring a 99.9% production-level SLA at no additional cost.

Price comparison is based on Frankfurt region *

Gcore Functions

Azure Functions

AWS Lambda

GCP Cloud Functions


4 000 000 invocations





GB per second for 1000 ms execution






GHz Sec


Egress price for 400 GB






Total cost






Choose company:

4 000 000 invocations

GB per second for 1000 ms execution


GHz Sec

Egress price for 400 GB


Total cost


Gcore Functions are charged based on the duration of pods allocated to run your code. When there are no requests and the pod timeout you configured has passed, the pod will shut down, and the shutdown process takes up to 1 minute. You can achieve cost savings shown in the table above if requests are frequent or pods remain active for a longer time serving requests compared to the combined shutdown time. You can also configure pods to remain constantly active (warmed up) for faster response times. The more time pods spend handling your requests compared to idle time, the more closely your costs will align with the values in the table.

Cloud Calculator

Configure your setup and find out the exact price using the “Functions” tab:

Configuration AI-1

Processing Unit
IP Address
Outgoing traffic

Supported programming languages

  • node
  • java
  • net
  • python
  • go

FaaS locations

How FaaS works

FaaS is often used to extend the functionality of applications by creating its own microservices via HTTP API or integrating third-party services via Webhook.

Example use cases

Integration with third-party services and APIs

Integration with third-party services and APIs

Serverless mobile back ends

Serverless mobile back ends

Real-time file processing

Real-time file processing

Automate DevOps processes

Serverless IoT backends

Real-time stream processing

Activate FaaS →

Advantages of Gcore Cloud FaaS

Automated scaling

As the number of requests increases, your functions automatically adjust to the load.

DDoS protection

By default, all projects in the cloud are protected against attacks at the network and transport layers.

Tier III and IV data centers

Our servers are located in the most reliable and fault-tolerant data centers.

Professional 24/7 technical support

We provide 24/7 expert assistance in activating and configuring the service.

Free outgoing traffic

Only incoming requests are billed.

Frequently Asked Questions

FaaS is a cloud service that allows you to run code without the need to design and maintain a runtime environment. The entire server part is divided into functions that are activated when a certain event occurs (for example, when an HTTP request is received).

As a result, FaaS allows you to focus entirely on development without worrying about infrastructure management.

This is the basis of FaaS, a method of providing cloud services in which computing resources are automatically adjusted to your load. You do not have to rent virtual instances and physical servers or determine the required capacities by yourself. The necessary amount of resources will be allocated to you automatically, and when some instances are no longer needed, they will also be automatically deleted.

In serverless computing, the provider’s area of responsibility includes adding, removing, monitoring, and other operations with virtual and physical instances. You write and update the code, and the IT infrastructure adjusts itself to your needs.

Functions are perfectly suited to a microservice architecture. Changing the code of independent application components becomes even easier with them. All modifications are made on the fly without stopping the application. At the same time, you do not need Docker or Kubernetes. We take care of container management as well.

Moreover, FaaS is a great solution if it is crucial for you to release a product as quickly as possible. FaaS significantly speeds up the launch process by eliminating the need for your team to spend time managing the infrastructure.

It is also great for solving the scaling problem. FaaS will be the right fit if the load on your applications fluctuates sharply and you have frequent traffic surges. Computing capacity will increase and decrease automatically.

With FaaS, the infrastructure automatically adjusts to your needs. Only the computing power that is needed at the moment is used. Therefore, no resources stand idle, and you only pay for the capacities that you actually use.

Node.js, .NET Framework, Java, Python, Go, and other popular programming languages soon.

Gcore Cloud has passed the PCI DSS and ISO 27001 certification. This means that all data in our Cloud is protected from unauthorized access and modification.

DDoS protection is available for all Cloud clients by default. We also protect all your data from loss using three-factor SAN replication and disaster recovery.

When you set the minimum number of pods in the autoscaler settings to a value greater than 1, the configured number of minimum pods is billed continuously as the service keeps them active 24x7.

When you set the minimum number of pods in the autoscaler settings to 0, you are not charged until the first request is made to the service.

If you specify a specific number of seconds for the pod lifetime, the system automatically deletes the pods after that duration.

Downsizing the number of pods takes some time, potentially up to 1 minute in the worst-case scenario. This time is also included in the pod lifetime and billed accordingly.

The pod lifetime is billed in seconds, and any fractional seconds are rounded to the nearest whole second.

Each pod configuration with different mCPU and RAM specifications is charged based on a unified price per gigabyte (GB) of RAM per second.

Contact us to get a personalized offer