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Why Gcore



We can ensure that streaming delays are ultra-low with the new HESP protocol and our CDN.


Outstanding Cooperation

We have joined the HESP Alliance as a Silver Member. This allows us to use the advanced HESP protocol and deliver videos via our CDN as quickly as possible.

What is HESP?

HESP (High Efficiency Streaming Protocol) is an HTTP-based video streaming protocol developed by THEO Technologies. It allows you to deliver streams via CDN and conduct online broadcasts to millions of viewers with delays of less than 1 second.

What a HESP protocol is and how it changes streaming for the better →

What is the HESP Alliance?

The HESP Alliance is a group of companies founded by THEO Technologies and Synamedia. It brings together video streaming providers and media companies to standardize and promote the HESP protocol.

What is the HESP Alliance?

Why we decided to join the HESP Alliance

Alex Peterson
Gcore Streaming Platform Department Head

In a highly competitive media industry, minimal delays mean moving into the future. We are happy to join forces with the HESP Alliance to research cutting-edge technologies to provide our clients with a modern streaming platform and professional online broadcasting. We expect the HESP technology to be a perfect fit for the superfast Gcore CDN, which already demonstrates the highest performance in Europe, North and South America.

Opportunities provided by HESP

Ultra-low latency streaming

Online broadcasts with delays of no more than 0.4–2 seconds

The best broadcasting quality

Streams are delivered to any device with up to 8K quality

Easily scalable

Video delivery via CDN to 1,000,000+ viewers anywhere in the world

Low cost

Using HESP is 2–5 times cheaper than its alternative—WebRTC

Advantages of our cooperation

Steven Tielemans
CEO of THEO Technologies and President of the HESP Alliance

We are delighted that Gcore, an international leader in cloud and edge technologies, has joined the HESP Alliance. We are receiving an increasing number of requests from media companies to demonstrate and test HESP. That’s why we’re looking forward to working with the Gcore team to demonstrate HESP’s ability to cost-effectively deliver videos with sub-second delays to millions of viewers via Gcore CDN.

Stream ultra-low latency videos to millions of viewers worldwide using our CDN and the HESP protocol

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