Reseller Support
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Reseller Support/New interface

New Admin Portal interface

The new Admin Portal is an improved dashboard for managing accounts and sellers, viewing reports, and configuring settings such as branding and product visibility.

Compared to the previous version of the admin panel, the new one retains all essential functions while adding new features, such as quick filters and presets for better searching and filtering. The new Admin Portal also has a more user-friendly interface.

In this guide, we describe the structure and features of the Admin Portal panel.

Structure of the new Admin Portal

The new Admin Portal has the following sections:

Structure of the new Admin Panel

0. The button which collapses the left-side menu. All screenshots of the following interface are shown with the menu collapsed.

1. Accounts: This section displays a list of customers. Here you can manage the accounts of existing customers, including logging into the Customer Portal on their behalf, editing their data, deleting their accounts, or adding new accounts.

2. Users: This section contains two subsections, "Sellers" and "All users", where you can search for and manage users in these categories' accounts.


3. CDN: This section displays a list of all CDN resources created by your customers. Here you can search for a specific resource by ID or CNAME.


4. Streaming: This section displays all accounts of your customers and their streaming statuses.


5. FastEdge: This section displays a list of all FastEdge applications created by your customers. Here you can manage FastEdge apps and templates.


6. Security: This section contains the "Authorization" subsection. Here you can configure SSO. You can also enable the "Activity Logs" feature by contacting the support team or your personal manager.


7. Vendor settings: This section contains several subsections, including "Branding Settings", "SMTP Provider", "DNSaaS Settings", and "Products". Here you can manage the appearance of the Customer Portal, set up custom email addresses for product notification emails to your customers, change the default NS servers, and configure product visibility.


8. Billing: This section presents monthly reports, allowing you to generate monthly reports to analyze your customers' traffic consumption. Additionally, you can enable "Invoice Reports" by contacting the Gcore support team or your personal manager.


9. Help: This section contains links to the Knowledge Base, API documentation, and Legal documents.

10. Profile: In this section, you can copy the created API token.

New features of the new Admin Portal

We have described all-important new features. If there is a feature you are interested in that is not mentioned, please send a request to the Gcore support team.

Quick filters

We have added quick filters by Account ID, email, name, company name, and customer status to make searching more flexible.

Quick filters

Search presets

We have added the ability to create presets for your search. With this feature, you can save filters to quickly apply them to future searches without having to recreate them each time.

To create a preset:

1. Open the "Accounts" section and click Add filter.

Add filter

2. Choose the necessary filters from the list, add the conditions, and click Apply filter. We suggest different filters in addition to the quick filters listed on the page. Applied filters will be added to the page. For example, we added filters by only real accounts (not tested) and CDN status "New":

Apply filter

3. When all necessary filters have been added, click My presets and Set current set as a preset.

Set current set as a preset

4. Type a name and click Create.

Create preset

After that, the created preset will be displayed in the list of presets.

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