Servers in the USA and Europe
from €3.25 per monthSelect fast and reliable VDS in Luxembourg, Amsterdam, Chicago and Miami. Benefits include:
200 Mbit/s guaranteed speed without traffic
KVM technology guarantees productivity
Support for any operating system
Fast SSD Drives
Certified Tier III Data Center
Excellent connectivity
Protection against DDoS-attacks
24/7 technical support
Virtual Server configurator
Prices shown without VAT*
Virtual server from Gcore
Are you dreaming about your own dedicated server, but feel like you're not ready for some reason? Our VDS based on KVM virtualization technology is the perfect choice! It is ready just in a few clicks and can be upgraded easily.
Testimonials & Success Stories
The speed, convenience, and quality of services provided are the three main characteristics we have found in our partner Gcore.
Tomislav Gojević
The Gcore team understand our needs and promptly responds to our requests. The infrastructure provisioned meets the highest international standards.
Terry Kim
Gcore is one of our key partners for successful distribution of Black Desert Online in Latin America. Resilient and agile, Gcore exceeded all expectations.
David Son
Solutions to Consider After Buying a Server
Superfast CDN
Deliver heavy content anywhere in the world faster than the competition
All-in-one Streaming Platform
Deliver 4K video worldwide without buffering or delays
Next-generation Protection
Protect your website or app against bots and DDoS attacks of any complexity