Gcore DDoS Protection: Safeguarding Online Gaming for Palworld and Enshrouded

Gcore DDoS Protection: Safeguarding Online Gaming for Palworld and Enshrouded

In the online gaming world, the risk of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks is significant, posing a substantial threat to game servers, undermining player experiences, and jeopardizing developers’ reputations. Gcore DDoS Protection was created with this challenge in mind and has successfully shielded popular gaming titles from DDoS attacks, including those serviced via our partner GPORTAL. Gcore is always prepared to protect servers of both established and new games, like Palworld and Enshrouded, from cyberattacks.

The Challenge of DDoS Attacks in Online Gaming

As online gaming evolves, DDoS attacks have become a prevalent threat, capable of disrupting game servers and ruining the gaming experience. Games like Palworld and Enshrouded, with their complex online environments, are potential targets for such attacks.

Recent data, including insights from Gcore Radar report, highlights disturbing trends in cybersecurity, particularly in the online gaming sector:

  • Targeting of the gaming industry: The gaming industry has become one of the top three most attacked industries. This upsurge can be attributed to the industry’s rapid growth and the increasing financial stakes involved.
  • Increasing attack sophistication: The complexity and volume of DDoS attacks are on the rise, with attackers employing ever-more advanced techniques to disrupt servers.
  • Impact on high-profile games: Games like Palworld and Enshrouded, with their massive player bases (Palworld peaking at over 2 million players and Enshrouded at over 160,000) are particularly attractive targets. The process of creating a server is intentionally simple for these games to ensure accessibility. The result? A vast amount of competition among server creators, meaning players can easily switch servers as soon as they experience disruption from a DDoS attack.

DDoS Impacts on Server Administrators

A successful DDoS attack can have far-reaching consequences for server owners:

  • Financial loss: Downtime caused by DDoS attacks can lead to significant financial losses, both in terms of direct revenue loss (e.g., through disrupted in-game purchases) and the costs associated with mitigating the attacks and restoring services.
  • Loss of players: Frequent or prolonged server outages can frustrate players, leading to a decrease in active users and a potential loss of a loyal player base.
  • Reputation damage: The reliability of a game is crucial to its success. DDoS attacks can harm a game’s reputation, making it difficult to attract new players or retain existing ones.
  • Increased operational costs: Responding to and recovering from DDoS attacks requires resources, leading to increased operational costs for developers and server hosts.

Gcore DDoS Protection: Made with Gaming in Mind

Gcore provides DDoS protection services for an extensive list of popular game titles. Recently, we introduced tailored DDoS countermeasures for games built on Unreal Engine, so we already have Palworld covered.

As for other new titles built on in-house engines, like Enshrouded, we ensure that players can enjoy these games without fear of disruptive DDoS attacks and develop countermeasures on demand. Responding to the unique needs of the gaming industry, we prioritize minimal latency and swift DDoS mitigation, essential for real-time online games like Palworld and Enshrouded.

Gcore DDoS Protection also includes:

  • A comprehensive global scrubbing network to filter malicious traffic
  • Real-time threat detection using advanced algorithms and machine learning
  • Scalable defenses, suitable for games of any size
  • Round-the-clock expert support for constant monitoring and proactive assistance

Gcore and GPORTAL: A Partnership Built on Gaming Expertise

GPORTAL, with its 20 years of industry experience, hosts over 90 games across platforms including PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox. Renowned for robust infrastructure and extensive reach, GPORTAL manages top titles like ARK, Minecraft, and Conan Exiles and boasts several key features:

  • Quick setup: Your server will be up and running in a matter of minutes.
  • Easy server management: Enjoy an intuitive web interface that allows you to configure your server settings without requiring extensive technical knowledge.
  • 24/7 support: Simply reach out to an expert support team via a ticket system if you encounter any issues.
  • Reliable hardware: Experience top-of-the-line hardware with DDoS protection to keep your server running smoothly.

The collaboration between Gcore and GPORTAL leverages the companies’ vast experience and audience in the gaming industry, combining Gcore’s cutting-edge DDoS protection technologies with GPORTAL’s powerful server capabilities. Together, we have fortified countless gaming servers against the most sophisticated cyberthreats, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.


In the face of escalating DDoS threats, game developers and platforms require robust, specialized DDoS protection to maintain a secure and uninterrupted gaming experience. With Gcore DDoS Protection, your online game servers will deliver the reliable experiences that your players expect.

GPORTAL’s integration of Gcore’s infrastructure and DDoS protection provides unparalleled service. Through our partnership, we ensure that games like Palworld and Enshrouded can thrive, even in the face of sophisticated cyber threats.

To safeguard your server against DDoS threats and ensure smooth gameplay, simply contact us. We’ll tailor DDoS protection to meet your game server’s specific needs.

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Gcore DDoS Protection: Safeguarding Online Gaming for Palworld and Enshrouded

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