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How to choose a hosting provider

  • By Gcore
  • June 1, 2021
  • 8 min read
How to choose a hosting provider

Hosting is the home of custom applications. Just like when choosing a home, it’s important not to make a mistake when choosing a hosting provider.

If you’re buying a home for one person, you don’t need a huge mansion. You’d be paying for space that would never be used. And for a family of six, a small one-bedroom apartment clearly wouldn’t be suitable, as everyone would be cramped.

The same applies to hosting. It’s important to choose a solution so that the application works as it should, is always be available to users, and doesn’t suffer from delays. But you also don’t want to overpay for unnecessary features.

Let’s figure out how to choose a hosting provider, and learn what to look for first.

Why do you need a hosting provider?

You need to decide why a hosting provider is necessary in the first place. After all, different technical solutions are suitable for different purposes.

Application type

What do you want to have on the server? An online store? An online game? An ERP system? A database? Your answer determines the following parameters:

  • the amount of content your service will have;
  • how your service will be used;
  • the level of security needed, etc.

For example, a server for a popular online game requires a lot of resources. It’s necessary so that a huge number of users can play in real time without delays and bugs, and have high-quality graphics. And if it’s a small, local, online store, then a simpler, less expensive solution will suffice.


Decide how much space your project will need. Then you can determine how big a hard drive is needed.

If it’s a small online store, a few gigabytes will suffice. Large marketplaces or game servers need hundreds of gigabytes of free space.

Don’t forget that your project might grow. If you currently have a very small media outlet, but plan to grow into a large media portal, resources for growth should be allocated in advance.

So, you’ve decided on the scale of the project. Next, you need to know which type of hosting is right for you.

Choosing the type of web hosting

Shared hosting

It’s a space on the server that you share with other users. In this case, multiple users share limited resources on a physical server.

This is a cheap solution. However, its low cost is achieved by the fact that there may be a lot of users on the same server.

This hosting type can be compared to a dorm room. You seem to have your own space, but the bathroom is shared and you often need to wait in a queue to take a shower.

The problem with this type of hosting is that your service depends on others. If your neighbors on the server have a sale and a surge in traffic, your resource will load several times slower.


  • This is the cheapest hosting option.
  • It’s handled by the support team, so you don’t need to possess any special knowledge.

This option is suitable for owners of small projects. If you’ve opened a small store and want to try your hand on the internet, or you need space for a project with text content only, shared hosting will do.

VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server)

This type of hosting can be compared to a separate apartment in an apartment block. There are neighbors close by, but you at least have your own space that you don’t share with anyone.

This option, like the previous one, assumes the use of the server by several users. But, at the same time, each one’s resources are limited. You are allocated a guaranteed amount of memory and computing power.


  • A set amount of resources that doesn’t depend on other users.
  • The ability to install and configure any software, or adjust the server to suit your needs.
  • An average, reasonable price.

Unlike shared hosting, you need special knowledge to manage a VDS.

A VDS is an excellent solution for medium-sized online stores or information portals. This is a good option when shared hosting isn’t enough, or when your budget is too limited for more expensive solutions.

Dedicated physical server

This solution can be compared to having your own house. It means no neighbors, all the space is yours.

With this type of hosting, you are allocated an entire physical server.


  • The bandwidth is limited only by the physical capacity of the equipment.
  • The server is tailored to your needs.
  • It provides a high level of security.

Like a VDS, special knowledge is required to manage this type of hosting.

This option is suitable for large projects, such as:

  • large online stores;
  • social networks;
  • online video games.

Technical features

You now know what type of resources you need. Now, let’s take a look at the specific technical characteristics.

Traffic volume

It all depends on your needs. If your website is predominantly text-based, and you don’t expect a large influx of visitors, you won’t need much traffic. A media platform with a large number of images and videos will need terabytes. In this case, it may be better to choose a plan without any restrictions.

The more visitors you expect and the heavier your content, the more traffic volume should be included in the plan.


If you choose a VDS, pay attention to the number of virtual processor cores (vCPU). This determines the number of tasks a CPU can perform simultaneously. Many cores come in handy where there is multithreading and parallel computing, for example, when broadcasting video.

If you choose web hosting on a dedicated server, look at what CPU it will have, and find out about its technical characteristics.

What to pay attention to:

  • The number of cores—the more cores, the more tasks the CPU can perform.
  • Cache memory—it’s used for the temporary storage of data (the more, the better).
  • Frequency—the speed at which it can perform operations.

Don’t forget that the CPU should suit your needs. The most powerful option is not always the best. Perhaps a cheaper plan with a less powerful CPU will suit your tasks.


The more RAM, the faster your application will work.

For small informational sites with text content, a few megabytes will suffice. For a blog or a small media outlet, you’ll need between 500 MB and 1 GB. For larger internet projects, you’ll need 2+ GB.

Here the same logic applies as with traffic volume: the heavier the content and the more users, the more RAM you need.


Remember how we said at the beginning of the article that it is important to decide how much space the project would need? How much disk space is needed depends on this.

Calculate your needs and determine how large a hard drive you need.

Also, pay attention to the type of drive: HDD or SSD. Each one has its own pros and cons.


An SSD is a solid state drive that, unlike an HDD, has no moving parts. Its main advantage is speed. It writes and reads data several times faster than an HDD.

But there are also disadvantages. Drive speed can decrease over time due to the ‘write cliff’ phenomenon. SSDs also have a limited number of read/write cycles.


Although HDDs are slower, they’re much cheaper, which is important when storing a large amount of “cold” data.

An SSD is suitable if high speed is important, and if the server needs to perform many input and output operations (IO) or needs to read or write unordered information.

If speed is not your priority but stability is, an HDD will be an excellent solution.

Operating system

When using a VDS, you’ll have a choice: Windows or Linux.

This choice depends on what set of infrastructure applications you need to run your service.


Windows is definitely your option if the company’s ecosystem includes software or solutions that use libraries and core parts of Microsoft systems.


  • Versatility.
  • A large amount of information, manuals, and software.
  • RDP technology for remote access to server applications.


  • Increased consumption of computing resources.
  • Licensing required.


Linux is used to host web servers and to work with databases (for example, PostgreSQL or MySQL) or applications based on popular scripting languages (PHP, jаvascript, Python). This OS is also suitable for routing and traffic management services.


  • Lower resource consumption than with Windows.
  • Native for Unix-systems work with package managers and a console that allows you to perfectly fine-tune the system to suit your needs.

The main disadvantage is that, to work on Linux, administrators need a fairly high level of knowledge and skill to work with open-source solutions.

Network connectivity

Look into how the network is arranged, how many hosting centers, points of presence, and peering partners the provider has. The more intermediate nodes and routes there are, the faster your application will run.

You can check connectivity with Looking Glass. It’s a special service that shows routing, diagnoses the network, and identifies the causes of failures.

Check if the hosting provider has Looking Glass and how user-friendly the service is.

Location and tier of the data center

Last but not least, where the data center is located and what tier it is.

The reliability depends on the tier of the data center. It’s better to choose Tier III or Tier IV. The former has a fault tolerance rate of 99.982%, and the latter has 99.995%.

Location is what the page loading speed depends on. The farther the server is from the users, the longer the request will take, and the slower the loading.

If all of your customers live in Europe, there’s no point in purchasing hosting services with a data center in America. But, if you have a global project with a huge number of users around the world, it makes sense to connect to a content delivery network along with the hosting.

Paid or free hosting?

Some providers offer free hosting. Should you use this offer?

In short, yes, but only if you intend to build a very simple website for yourself or practice building websites. This option is not suitable for businesses.

Why not?

  • Together with you, the hoster can place an unlimited number of other customers on the server: Don’t count on your website loading quickly.
  • Limited technical capabilities: Many standard scripts and databases may not be supported.
  • No guarantees: If you pay nothing to the provider, you can’t demand stable server operation from them.
  • The provider may place third-party ads on your website.
  • You’re unlikely to be able to choose a domain name. Most likely, you’ll get a third-level domain. Search engines don’t place such websites in the first positions.
  • Technical support is either very poor or nonexistent.

If you’re just starting an online business, it’s best to opt for the inexpensive paid option. Besides, most hosting providers offer a free trial period.

Choosing a provider and service plan

So, you’ve figured out your needs and determined what technical parameters should be considered. It’s time to decide on a provider and service plan.

First, you need to make a list of several reliable hosting providers.

  1. Look at the top of the search results, as large hosters are usually there. But they still need to be verified.
  2. Study reviews and ratings of hosting providers on independent websites.
  3. Read customer reviews.

So, you’ve selected several companies that you are ready to trust. Now look at what service plans they offer.

What to consider:

  1. Specifications. Choose those that suit your project.
  2. The option to test the service. The trial period should last for at least one week, ideally a month. During that time, you can check how well the application is working and whether this option is right for you overall.
  3. Hosting control panel. Look at what features it provides and whether it’s user-friendly.
  4. Technical support. It’s better to choose providers with 24/7 support so that you can ask for help at any time.
  5. Backup service. If something happens and your data is lost, it can be restored using backups.
  6. Security. Even a small project needs a high level of security. It’s good if you can additionally purchase SSL certificates or DDoS protection.


Different hosting options are needed for different purposes. The most powerful solution isn’t always the best. For a medium-sized project, a virtual server with limited technical capabilities is suitable, while large marketplaces need a reliable dedicated server with a lot of drive space and RAM.

Check the company’s reputation, and look at the additional services that it offers.

Approach the choice responsibly, and examine and test different options. This way, you’ll be able to find the perfect solution for your ideas.

Consider Gcore Labs Hosting as well. We offer:

  • a range of plans for any tasks;
  • Tier III data centers on five continents;
  • excellent connectivity;
  • 24/7 technical support in several languages.

You can check the connectivity of our network and diagnose the connection using the handy Looking Glass tool. It allows you to:

  • check connection with nodes and response time;
  • track routes of packets from the router to the resource;
  • obtain information about all BGP routes;
  • see the BGP map for any IPv4 and IPv6 destination address.

Along with web hosting, we offer server protection against DDoS attacks, data backup, and SSL certificates.

Looking for reliable hosting?

Contact us, and we will find a solution for any task.

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Avoid solutions where security is an afterthought or a bolt-on. Gcore cloud servers integrate seamlessly with Gcore Edge Security solutions, so your servers are protected to the highest levels at the click of a button.Unlock the next wave of edge computing with GcoreThe trend is clear: Internet-enabled devices are rapidly entering every part of our lives. This raises the bar for performance and security, and edge cloud computing delivers solutions to meet these new requirements. Distributed data processing means GenAI models can scale efficiently, and location-independent deployments enable high-performance real-time workloads from high-frequency trading to XR gaming to IoT.At Gcore, we provide a global edge cloud platform designed to meet the performance, scalability, and security demands of modern businesses. With over 180 points of presence worldwide, our infrastructure ensures ultra-low latency for AI-powered applications, real-time gaming, big data workloads, and more. Our edge solutions help businesses navigate evolving data sovereignty regulations by enabling localized data processing for global operations. And with built-in security features like DDoS protection, WAAP, and AI-driven threat detection, you leverage the full potential of edge computing without compromising on security.Ready to learn more about why edge cloud matters? Dive into our blogs on cloud data sovereignty.Get in touch to discuss your edge cloud 2025 goals

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It brings next-gen AI features to customers while remaining intuitive to use, meaning businesses of all sizes can futureproof their web app and API protection against even the most sophisticated threats.My highlight of the year was the Stackpath WAAP acquisition, which enabled us to successfully deliver an enterprise-grade web security solution at the edge to our customers in a very short time.Itamar Eshet, Senior Product Manager, Security2. Fundraising round: investing in the futureIn July, we raised $60m in Series A funding, reflecting investors’ confidence in the continued growth and future of Gcore. Next year will be huge for us in terms of AI development, and this funding will accelerate our growth in this area and allow us to bring even more innovative solutions to our customers.3. Innovations in AIIn 2024, we upped our AI offerings, including improved AI services for Gcore Video Streaming: AI ASR for transcription and translation, and AI content moderation. As AI is at the forefront of our products and services, we also provided insights into how regulations are changing worldwide and how AI will likely affect all aspects of digital experiences. We already have many new AI developments in the pipeline for 2025, so watch this space…4. Global expansionsWe had some exciting expansions in terms of new cloud capabilities. We expanded our Edge Cloud offerings in new locations, including Vietnam and South Korea, and in Finland, we boosted our Edge AI capabilities with a new AI cluster and two cutting-edge GPUs. Our AI expansion was further bolstered when we introduced the H200 and GB200 in Luxembourg. We also added new PoPs worldwide in locations such as Munich, Riyadh, and Casablanca, demonstrating our dedication to providing reliable and fast content delivery globally.5. FastEdge launchWe kicked off the year with the launch of FastEdge. This lightweight edge computing solution runs on our global Edge Network and delivers exceptional performance for serverless apps and scripts. This new solution makes handling dynamic content even faster and smoother. We ran an AI image recognition model on FastEdge in an innovative experiment. The Gcore team volunteered their pets to test FastEdge’s performance. Check out the white paper and discover our pets and our technological edge.6. PartnershipsWe formed some exciting global partnerships in 2024. In November, we launched a joint venture with Ezditek, an innovator in data center and digital infrastructure services in Saudi Arabia. The joint venture will build, train, and deploy generative AI solutions locally and globally. We also established some important strategic partnerships. Together with Sesterce, a leading European provider of AI infrastructure, we can help more businesses meet the rising challenges of scaling from AI pilot projects to full-scale implementation. We also partnered with LetzAI, a Luxembourg-based AI startup, to accelerate its mission of developing one of the world’s most comprehensive generative AI platforms.7. EventsIt wasn’t all online. We also ventured out into the real world, making new connections at global technology events, including the WAICF AI conference and Viva Tech in Cannes and Paris, respectively; Mobile World Congress in Barcelona; Gamescom in Cologne in August; IBC (the International Broadcasting Convention) in Amsterdam; and Connected World KSA in Saudi Arabia just last month. We look forward to meeting even more of you next year. Here are a few snapshots from 2024.GamescomIBC8. New container registry solutionSeptember kicked off with the beta launch of Gcore Container Registry, one of the backbones of our cloud offering. It streamlines your image storage and management, keeping your applications running smoothly and consistently across various environments.9. GigaOm recognitionBeing recognized by outside influences is always a moment to remember. In August, we were thrilled to receive recognition from tech analyst GigaOm, which noted Gcore as an outperformer in its field. The prestigious accolade highlights Gcore as a leader in platform capability, innovation, and market impact, as assessed by GigaOm’s rigorous criteria.10. New customer success storiesWe were delighted to share some of the work we’ve done for our customers this year: gaming company Fawkes Games and Austrian sports broadcaster and streaming platform fan.at, helping them with mitigating DDoS attacks and providing the infrastructure for their sports technology offering respectively.And as a bonus number 11, if you’re looking for something to read in the new year lull, download our informative long reads on topics including selecting a modern content delivery network, cyber attack trends, and using Kubernetes to enhance AI. Download the ebook of your choice below.The essential guide to selecting a modern CDN eBookGcore Radar: DDoS attack trends in Q1-Q2 2024 reportAccelerating AI with KubernetesHere’s to 2025!And that’s it for our 2024 highlights. It’s been a truly remarkable year, and we thank you for being a part of it. We’ll leave you with some words from our CEO and see you in 2025.2024 has been a year of highs, from our tenth anniversary celebrations to the launch of various new products, and from expansion into new markets to connecting with customers (new and old) at events worldwide. Happy New Year to all our readers who are celebrating, and see you for an even bigger and better 2025!Andre Reitenbach, CEOChat with us about your 2025 needs

Edge Cloud updates for December 2024

We are pleased to introduce the latest enhancements to our Edge Cloud platform, delivering greater flexibility, reliability, and control over your infrastructure. These updates include multiple public IP support for Bare Metal and strengthened anti-abuse measures. Exclusively for new accounts, we’re offering a special promotion for Bare Metal server activations. Find all the details in this blog.Multiple public IP support for Bare MetalWe’re introducing multiple public IP support for Bare Metal servers on dedicated public subnetworks, adding flexibility and reliability. With this update, you can configure several public IP addresses for seamless service continuity, making your infrastructure more robust. Your services will remain online without interruption with multiple IPs, even if one IP address fails.This functionality brings significant flexibility to scale your operations effortlessly. It’s particularly useful for handling diverse workloads, traffic routing, and complex hosting environments. It’s also an ideal solution for hypervisor environments where segregating traffic across various IPs is crucial.Here’s what you need to know to before getting started:This feature works exclusively with a dedicated public subnet.To enable this functionality, please place a request with our support team.The number of supported public IPs is limited by the size of the dedicated subnet assigned to your Bare Metal server.Please contact our support team to start using multiple public IPs.Strengthened anti-abuse measuresWe’ve introduced new anti-abuse measures to detect and mitigate abusive traffic patterns, enhancing service reliability and protecting your infrastructure from malicious activity. These updates help safeguard your network and achieve consistent application performance.Get more information in our Product Documentation.Try Bare Metal with 35% off this monthGcore Bare Metal servers are the perfect choice for delivering unmatched performance, designed to handle your most demanding workloads. With global availability, they provide a reliable, high-performance, and scalable solution wherever you need them. For a limited time, new customers can enjoy 35% off on High-frequency Bare Metal Servers for two months*.If you’ve been disappointed by your provider during peak season or you’re looking to scale going into 2025, this is the opportunity for you. Take advantage of the offer by January 7 to secure your discount, available for the first 500 customers.Unlock the full potential of Edge CloudThese updates reflect our ongoing commitment to supporting your business with tools and features that address your computing needs. Whether enhancing flexibility, simplifying server management, or improving cost oversight, our Edge Cloud platform is built to help you achieve your goals with confidence.We invite you to explore these enhancements today and take full advantage of the capabilities now available.Discover Gcore Bare Metal* Note: This promotion is available until January 7, 2025. The discount applies for two months from the subscription date and is valid exclusively for new customers activating high-frequency Bare Metal servers. After two months, the discount will be automatically removed. The offer is limited to the first 500 activations.

Edge Cloud Updates for October 2024

Today we’re announcing a range of key enhancements to our Edge Cloud solutions, all crafted to provide you with greater power, flexibility, and control over your cloud infrastructure. Read on to discover why we were named as a Major Player in the 2024 IDC MarketScape for European Public Cloud and learn about Bare Metal availability.Gcore Named Major Player in IDC MarketScape for European Public Cloud 2024We’re excited to announce that we have been recognized as a Major Player in the IDC MarketScape: European Public Cloud Infrastructure (IaaS) 2024 report. This report evaluates and compares public cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) providers across Europe, including global and regional cloud providers, to identify the most impactful players in the IaaS landscape.This recognition as a Major Player highlights our commitment at Gcore to providing high-quality cloud services that empower businesses to innovate, scale, and secure their applications with unmatched confidence. We strive to support our customers’ needs with robust solutions tailored for performance, security, and scalability, minimizing the complexities of infrastructure management so you can focus on developing your business.We invite you to read the full press release to learn more.Introducing Additional High-Frequency Bare Metal ServersUnlock the power of our latest high-frequency bare metal server in Manassas, Amsterdam, Santa Clara, Singapore, Sydney, and Luxembourg. With 128 GB RAM capacity, this new additional is specifically designed for compute-intensive, latency-sensitive workloads.This new addition to our Bare Metal lineup provides the performance and reliability to accelerate your most demanding applications. Benefit from dedicated compute power, efficiency, and low latency, perfect for high-performance computing, real-time data analysis, and large-scale simulations.Gcore Bare Metal servers are available in 19 locations on six continents. With just a few clicks in the Gcore Customer Portal, you can easily set up your new high-frequency server. Or, get in touch if you’d like to talk to a Gcore expert.ConclusionWith these October 2024 updates, we continue our commitment to delivering the tools, performance, and reliability you need to build and scale your business with confidence. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to improve our Edge Cloud solutions.Discover Gcore Edge Cloud

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