Get 100 GB of Free Logs Per Month with Gcore Managed Logging

Get 100 GB of Free Logs Per Month with Gcore Managed Logging

We’re pleased to announce that Gcore Managed Logging is offering 100 GB of free monthly logs. The offer is valid until September 2024 and is open to all users, new and existing. If you’re not already using our Managed Logging service, this is a great time to try it out! If you’re already a user, this offer has been automatically applied to your account.

What Is Gcore Managed Logging?

Gcore Managed Logging is a service that collects logs from your chosen services, including applications, servers, and containers, whether they run in the Gcore Edge Cloud or elsewhere. You can store your logs in Luxembourg, Manassas (US), or Singapore.

Managed Logging eliminates the inconvenience of managing your application and system logs. Instead of manually configuring and maintaining your own logging infrastructure, you delegate the entire process to Gcore.

To visualize your logs, you can use OpenSearch Dashboards, a free service. It allows you to easily customize your dashboards and configure filters to get your desired data representation. Learn more about configuring Managed Logging and OpenSearch Dashboards in our documentation.

How to Enable Free Managed Logging

If you are a new user, sign up for a free Gcore Customer Portal account, go to the Cloud, then Logging and configure the service:

Figure 1: Configure Managed Logging in the Gcore Customer Portal

When configuring, follow the instructions in our documentation.

Once the service is set up, you can use it for free until your log storage exceeds 100 GB in any given month. General pricing is €0.35 or $0.38 for 1 GB of ingesting and storing logs, billed monthly. Egress traffic—sending log data to external services—is free.

If you are an existing user, this option is already active. Until September 2024, you can enjoy free Managed Logging with the same free monthly allowance of 100 GB.


Gcore Managed Logging makes handling your application and system logs easier, allowing you to focus on your main business tasks. Managed Logging is a great option if you want to gain a deeper understanding of your data.

Get started with Managed Logging

Get 100 GB of Free Logs Per Month with Gcore Managed Logging

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