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Home/Web Application Security/FAQ/Force an IP ban

How to force an IP ban?

You can force an IP or subnet mask ban using a whitelist policy. This allows requests from all IPs or subnets, except specified IPs or subnet masks.

Note: To ban all IPs or subnets except specified values, select the blacklist option.

You can set an IP ban in two ways: in the customer portal or via the API.

Force an IP ban in the customer portal

1. Go to your list of resources under protection.

2. Click three dots on the line of the relevant resource and click Access Policy.

How to open Access Policy settings of the resource under protection

3. On the page that opens, type the IPs or subnet masks in the “Whitelist” field (click the plus button on the right to add more than one) and save changes.

How to force an IP ban

That’s it. The specified IP will be banned for two hours.

Force an IP ban via API

Here’s an example of restricting a specific IP using an API request:

// @name Get client ddos resource
GET https://api.gcore.com/security/resources/<resource_id>
Authorization: Bearer {{token_client}}
Content-Type: application/json
> {%
    client.global.set("resource", JSON.stringify(response.body.resource));
// @name Add whitelist into ddos resources
< {%
    let resource = client.global.get("resource");
    resource = JSON.parse(resource);
    resource["whitelists"] = [{"whitelist_data": ""}];
    resource = JSON.stringify(resource);
    request.variables.set("resource_whitelist", resource);
PUT https://api.gcore.com/security/resources/<resource_id>
Authorization: Bearer {{token_client}}
Content-Type: application/json

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