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Home/WAAP/WAAP rules/Advanced rules/Advanced rate limiting rules

Advanced rate limiting rules

The rate limiting feature allows you to limit the number of specific web requests to your domain within a particular period.

We have a unique implementation of rate limiting: it’s set as a conditioning segment within a rule and can be embedded within any other condition segment. This is an advanced functionality that’s only available in the advanced rules.

Rate limiting method

Use the request.rate_limit() method to implement rate limiting:

    ip = [<string>, ...],
    url = <string>,
    time = <int>,
    requests = <int>,
    method = [<string>, ...],
    status_code = [<int>, ...],
    content_type = <string>,
    scope = <string>

For tag-based rate limiting rules, use request.limit_rate instead:

    ip = [<string>, ...],
    url = <string>,
    time = <int>,
    requests = <int>,
    method = [<string>, ...],
    status_code = [<int>, ...],
    content_type = <string>,
    scope = <string>,
    tag = <string>

The method returns true if the count of requests (4) under the granularity (8) with the filters (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9) exceeds the limit for a given time (3).

Parameter name Required Description
1 ip False List of IP addresses that the rule applies to. If there are no IPs in the list, counting will be done for all IPs.
2 url True A regex pattern used to match the request's URI (URL + query_params).
3 time True The time limit, in seconds, within which we only allow n number of requests to URI matching the pattern.
4 requests True The maximum number of requests accepted within the given period before an action is taken (minimum value is 20 requests).
5 method False List of method types the request aggregation will be applied to.
6 status_code False List of status codes the request aggregation will be applied to.
7 content_type False Regex pattern to match request content_types against.
8 scope (granularity) False
If the granularity isn’t set to cluster, the default aggregation will be set to cluster.
The cluster scope counts all the traffic of a POP:
  • Interval counting is made on each POP separately.This can cause unsynchronized counting.
  • IP counting can be counted separately on different POPs (each request individually, not overlapped).
  • POPs could be related to certain locations, which means that some clients may never be addressed to certain POPs
  • The cluster scope counts traffic per given IP.
9 tag False Aggregation of tagged (user-defined tags) requests will be applied for each IP.


Advanced rules via API

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Block Scrappers",
    "description": "Block IPs that hit more than 200 requests per 5 seconds for any `events` paths",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.rate_limit([], '.*events', 5, 200, [], [], '', 'ip') and not ('mb-web-ui' in request.headers['Cookie'] or 'mb-mobile-ios' in request.headers['Cookie'] or 'mobile-android' in request.headers['Cookie'] or 'mb-mobile-android' in request.headers['Cookie'] or 'session-token' in request.headers['Cookie']) and not request.headers['session']" 

Best practices

Block IPs that exceed request limit for any URL

Each request will be counted individually for each IP. For example, if the IP address sends more than 200 requests within a 5-second timeframe, it will be blocked.

Another IP address, such as, will only be blocked if it exceeds the allowed threshold of 200 requests in the same time interval.

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Limit Certain IPs",
    "description": "Limit Certain IPs",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.rate_limit(['', ''], '.*events', 5, 200, [], [], '', 'ip')"

Embed additional conditions

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Embedding additional condition to rate limit feature",
    "description": "Embedding additional condition to rate limit feature",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.headers['User-Agent'] == 'Firefox' AND request.rate_limit(['', ''], '.*events', 5, 200, [], [], '', 'ip')"

Note that using an additional condition, such as an IP, is considered a bad practice. For example, if you use request.ip in [''] and request.rate_limit([], '', 5, 200, [], [], '', 'ip'), the rate limit will count requests per interval for every IP. However, it will set an action only when exceeds the number of requests.

This behavior is linked to the rule you are creating, not the rate limit condition. Thus, even with a blank IP list and an embedded IP condition, the rate limit will still count requests for all IPs.

Rate limit complex URL regex

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Rate limit complexed URL regex",
    "description": "Rate limit complexed URL regex",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.rate_limit([], '.*(?<!aif|aiff|au|avi|bin|bmp|cab|carb|cct|cdf|class|css|doc|dor|dtd|exe|flv|gcf|gff|gif|grv hdmt hqx|ico|ini|jpeg|jpg|js|mov|mp3|nc|pct|pdf|png|ppc|pws|svg|swa|swf|txt|vbs|w32|wav|wbmp|wml|wmlc|wmls|wmlsc|xsd|zip|webp|jxr|hdp|wdp|webm|ogv|mp4|tif|woff|wot|woff)$', 120, 20, [], [], '', 'ip')"

Embed IP range to the condition

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Embedding IP range to the condition",
    "description": "Embedding IP range to the condition",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.ip_in_range('', '') and request.rate_limit([], '.*[.]jpg', 120, 20, [], [], '', 'ip')"

Cluster (PoP) granularity

Rate limit all GET or HEAD redirected (302) requests with specific content type:

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Embedding IP range to the condition",
    "description": "Embedding IP range to the condition",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.rate_limit([], '.*url', 120, 20, ['GET', 'HEAD'], [302], 'text/html; charset=[uU][tT][fF]-8', 'cluster')"

Rate limit by tag filter

This functionality allows embedding user-defined tags into the rate limit condition so only tagged IPs requests will be aggregated into the rate limit mechanism.

Note that my tag is a user-defined tag that should be defined in a separate rule.

curl --request POST \
--url https://api.gcore.com/waap/v1/domains/{domain_id}/advanced-rules \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "ruleAction": {"block": {"statusCode": "FORBIDDEN_403"}},
    "phase": "ACCESS",
    "name": "Embedding tag to the condition",
    "enabled": false,
    "source": "request.limit_rate(tag="my tag",ips=[""], url="/my_url/.*", time=10, requests=120, scope="ip")"

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