To create a storage:
1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, click the Add new storage button in the top-right corner of the screen.
2. Specify storage name and location. The location name has two parts: storage type (Object Storage or SFTP) and city/region where the data center is located. SFTP locations are added/removed from the list automatically depending on the amount of free storage space available.
Note: There are several limits for Object Storage:
To create an Object Storage, specify its name and location, and click the Create button.
You will see both access and secret key in the next window. Copy and save them since we show the keys only once.
The created storage will appear in the storage list.
To see the information (location, hostname), click the Details button.
If you have forgotten to copy the keys and want to change them, click the Generate new keys button.
The Delete storage button automatically deletes all the files in your storage.
To create an SFTP storage, specify name, location, and preferred authentication method: SSH key or password. Once the storage is created, you will be able to use both.
To see the hostname, click the Details button (use port 2200 to connect to the storage).
Password can be set, removed, and updated. To add new keys (up to 5 per storage) or limit access to the uploaded ones go to the SSH keys manager.
To set an alias or regulate the Expires header value, click Edit.
Specify a domain name (subdomains are okay too) in the Server alias field, and add the following record to your DNS settings: CNAME <server_name>.<host>. For example, if your server name is 12345-test, and it is located in Amsterdam, the record would look like CNAME
Expires header can be modified via the "Expires" field. The default value is a year.
Circles on the left from the storage IDs are status indicators.
After creation or settings update (adding keys or changing password), it might take time for the requests to get processed. Orange color indicates a processing state, while green one shows that the storage is ready.
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