If you request content from Object Storage or SFTP storage and receive an error in return, check if there are open incidents or maintenance connected with Object Storage on the Status Page.
1. Make sure that a file was uploaded to storage. You may use any applications that support Object Storage or SFTP Storage for that purpose 2. Make sure you use the correct URL form for the request. The scheme for direct storage requests is described in the article. Notice that the Global 2 location includes three regions: use the host of the region, where the file was uploaded. The region’s URL is described in the article.
By default, buckets and files in Object Storage are private and respond with 403 code on external requests. You can set up ACL rules for bucket or file with your S3-application documentation.
aws s3api put-object-acl --bucket my_bucket --key file.jpg --acl public-read --endpoint-url=https://s3-ed1.cloud.gcore.lu
Where my_bucket
is the name of the bucket, file.jpg
is the name of the file, and s-ed1.cloud.gcore.lu
is the service URL.
s3cmd setacl --acl-public s3://my_bucket/file.jpg
Where my_bucket
is the name of the bucket and file.jpg
is the name of the file.
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