How G-CDN and G-Stream statistics has changed

How G-CDN and G-Stream statistics has changed

In the spring of 2018, we released a big update to statistics in the control panel. This is described in detail in the article “How does the new CDN and Media Platform statistics work”.

Customers shared their experiences of using the renewed section. Following the results of their reviews, we made a number of important changes that we describe here.

Aggregated data on the initial screen

The dynamics of traffic volumes can be viewed at once: charts showing aggregated statistics for the past 3 months are displayed on the initial screen.

Aggregated data

Data with a smaller granularity is presented on other screens.

How traffic is calculated and a bill is formed

On the Traffic tab screen we particularly explained that the displayed statistics is collected in real time, the data is provided for reference only and may differ from the billing amount. There is a new article in the knowledge base, “Stats collection”.


Total amount of traffic is also displayed here.

How to control costs

At the request of Gcore’s customers, we have added the ability to analyze invoice data in the new Billing Data tab.

The data comes from billing and, unlike the rest of the statistics, is stored during the whole time of using the service. It’s convenient: it is always possible to verify the exact invoice data against online statistics, which may differ slightly.

Billing data

Edges traffic

The edges traffic chart now displays statistics by region, and you can figure out which locations are used to distribute traffic to end users.

Edges traffic

Formula for calculating cache hit ratio

We have added a formula for calculating cache hit ratio to the appropriate screen:

1 − (traffic from the origin / CDN traffic) = cache hit ratio

Cache hit ratio

Changes in the API

For those customers who request statistics on their own we have updated the API documentation and supplemented it with new metrics (caching percentage, requests, requests broken down by groups) and groupings (by region).

New requests are described in the Resource Stats section. If you get this data through the API, it’s time to change that.

Updates to the media platform statistics

Customers wanted to be able to monitor payments and bills in the control panel. Therefore, we have added two new charts: transcoding time and volume of video on demand (VOD). We bill for using the media platform based on these parameters.

Transcoding time

Our rates for live broadcasts are formed depending on the volume of traffic transmitted through the CDN and minutes spent to transcode the streams.

The latter parameter is displayed on the chart. This is also the playing time for a live video. That means that if the stream runs around the clock, the number of minutes on the chart won’t change.


Volume of video on demand

Rates for VOD depend on CDN traffic as well, but there is also another parameter which is the space occupied in our VOD storage pool.

Now you can check storage space usage and control the volume of uploaded video, not to exceed your plan allowances, every day. Yellow color is used to highlight the maximum value of occupied space for the selected period.

Storage usage

Which new statistics will be available

Soon we will update and restore a chart for unique users, add statistics on user geography, number of views and their source data (you will be able to tell from which website the video was uploaded by the user).

Be sure to give the improved CDN and media platform statistics a try. Ask questions and leave your feedback in the technical support chat or to your personal manager.

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How G-CDN and G-Stream statistics has changed

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