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Reseller Support/Manuals/Activity logs

View the history of users’ requests and actions via Activity logs

What is an Activity logs section for?

The Activity logs section displays changes that users have made. Users are all the customers and sellers that you have added. Changes they can make include requests sent via the API and actions in the Customer Portal.

View users’ changes in the Activity logs section

1. Go to the https://admin.gcore.top/.

2. Open Activity logs in the Security section.

The entities will be displayed on the right.

Activity logs

You can sort and filter entities by the following columns:

  • Account: ID of the customer that made the request
  • User ID: ID of the user that made the request
  • Requested at: Date and time when the request was made
  • Method: Request HTTP method, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, or PATCH
  • Path: Request URL
  • Data: Request body
  • Reverted: Whether the request was rolled back
  • Status code: Status code that the request returned in the response
  • Remote IP: IP address from which the request was made
  • Host: Host from which the request was made

If certain columns are not required, you can disable them. Click Manage Columns in the upper right area and turn off the switch.

Manage Columns

Use filters

You can search for specific requests by setting filters. For example, you can filter out all logs for a user with a specific ID or all requests with the GET method.

To filter logs by a specific parameter:

1. Click Add filter. 2. Select the needed search condition, e.g., the period where any changes were made. 3. Select the period. 4. Click Apply filter.

Use filters

That’s it. As a result, you will see only entities for the specified period (in this case, from June 27, 2023, to July 04, 2023.)

How to look for changes in a particular customer

Customers' accounts can be changed not only by customers themselves, but also by sellers. For example, a seller can change the product to "Trial" status. In this case, if you try to find the changes in the "Customer" column by specifying the Account ID, there will be no entity, because it was not the customer who made the change.

To look for all changes, you should specify the Account ID in the “Path” filter as shown below.

Path filter

With this approach, all entities that are related to the customer will be filtered out, regardless of who made the change.

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