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Home/Edge Cloud/Bare Metal servers/Advanced DDoS Protection/Activate Advanced DDoS Protection for Bare Metal

Activate Advanced DDoS Protection for Bare Metal

Creating a Bare Metal server

1. On your Gcore account, click on Cloud, then select Bare Metal Servers.


2. Review the settings in the Create Bare Metal section, then go to the Network interface.


3. Enable Advanced DDoS protection by clicking on the network interface. Please keep in mind that protection can only be enabled on external interfaces or subinterfaces with public IP addresses. The protection does not cover internal interfaces.


4. Click the Select profile template dropdown. Be sure to fill in additional parameters of the protection template selected.


5. Once you select the profile template, type in the SSH keys and add a name under the Additional options section.

Additional options section

6. If you’re finished, click the Create Server button on the right-hand side.


Interface configuration

1.On the Cloud page, select Bare Metal Servers, then click the name of your Bare Metal.


2. Click on the Networking tab.


3. Click on the interfaces. Click the three-dot menu on the far right-hand side, then choose to enable advanced DDoS protection.


4. The Edit advanced DDoS protection profile pop-up will appear. Click the dropdown to choose your preference, then hit submit.


5. To check, click DDoS Protection on the Cloud page on the left-hand side. The type of security should show as Advanced.


DDoS protection list

1. Select Networking on the left-hand menu.


2. Click DDoS Protection from the dropdown options.

DDoS Protection

3. In the DDoS Protection section, select the Bare Metal you want to enable advanced DDoS protection for by clicking the three-dot menu on the right side.


4. The Edit advanced DDoS protection profile pop-up will appear. Click the dropdown to choose your preference. Examples of a profile are the following:

  • CMP block
  • CS:GO
  • Rust ARK
  • Basic L3/L4
  • TCP protection

5. Once you have selected the profile, click submit. Be sure to fill in the required fields based on the selected profile.


6. Once you’re done, the type of DDoS protection will be changed from basic to advanced, and the name of the profile and other additional parameters will appear.


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