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Home/Edge Cloud/Virtual Machines/Check the status

Check the operational status of your Virtual Machine

You can find Virtual Machine (VM) statuses inside a project on the Virtual Instances page. Check the Status column:

VM status column with the Power on status displayed

Each Virtual Machine can have the following statuses: 

  • Building: After creation, the Virtual Machine will have the Building status for the first few minutes. At this stage, the machine is allocated computing resources.

  • Power on: The Virtual Machine is up and running. The VM status automatically changes to Power on once all resources are allocated after its creation.

  • Power off: The Virtual Machine is powered off.  

  • Error: An error occurred when allocating resources. The machine cannot be allocated. 

  • Deleted: Virtual Machine was deleted. If you initiate server deletion, all ongoing operations will be terminated, and the VM will switch to the Deleted status.

If an error occurs when allocating resources or your Virtual Machine gets the Error status, you can contact Gcore support for assistance.

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