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Home/Edge Cloud/Virtual Machines/Monitor

Monitor load on a specific node

Monitoring is a tab where you can monitor the load and performance of a Virtual Machine (VM) using ten metrics.

To open the tab, select the required Virtual Machine and click "Monitoring".

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Buttons above the graphs control the display of statistics: the left one sets up what period to show, the right one — how often the data will be updated on the screen.


Please note: as a second metric (for example, the number of bytes per second), Monitoring displays the average value for one minute. The system collects the volume of traffic/operations for a minute and divides it by 60.

1. CPU Utilization is the load on the machine's CPU, measured as a percentage.
For example, if all cores are 90% loaded, you will see a value of 90%.


CPU Utilization can exceed 100%. This means that the Virtual Machine used more physical resources than provided for by the tariff at a particular moment. This usually happens during the creation of the VM. This is normal and does not affect payment.

2. RAM Utilization is the amount of RAM that the Virtual Machine uses to perform tasks.
Measured in percentages, 100% means a full load of RAM.


Inside the system, you can see the RAM Utilization value that is less than in the Monitoring. This is normal: our Monitoring includes cache RAM in the statistics. This is unused RAM that the machine borrows and uses to make applications run smoother and faster. If some application needs more RAM, the system immediately brings it back from the cache.

3. Network BPS ingress is the speed of incoming traffic measured in bytes per second.

4. Network BPS egress is the speed of outgoing traffic measured in bytes per second.


5. Network PPS ingress is the speed of incoming traffic measured in packets per second.

6. Network PPS egress is the speed of outgoing traffic measured in packets per second.


7. sda/Disk IOPS read is the speed of reading information from the disk measured in the number of read operations per second.

8. sda/Disk IOPS write is the speed of writing information to the disk measured in the number of write operations per second.


9. sda/Disk BPS read is the speed of reading information from the disk measured in the number of transmitted bytes per second.

10. sda/Disk BPS write is the speed of writing information to the disk measured in the number of transmitted bytes per second.


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