Managed DNS
Managed DNS
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Home/Managed DNS/Records/Advanced managing/CDN integration

Configure CDN integration

If you use both Gcore DNS and Gcore CDN you can configure A/AAAA DNS record to resolve exactly to our CDN addresses. CDN integration allows you to avoid CNAME configuration and additional lookup on the end user side. Gcore DNS will resolve the record to the best possible CDN address.

To configure integration:

1. Navigate to DNS in the Gcore Customer Portal.

2. Click the domain name of the DNS zone where you intend to set up CDN integration.

Open a DNS zone

A new page will open.

The feature is available only for an A/AAAA record types.

3. Click the three-dot icon.

4. Click CDN integration in the row of the relevant A record.

Open a Records list/Edit record set page

5. In the pop-up window, you'll see the lookup value is predefined for your account. Click Save changes.

Open a Records list/Edit record set page

That's it. Your domain zone will be integrated with Gcore CDN.

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