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Home/FastEdge/Create apps/Create a FastEdge app

Create a FastEdge app

This guide describes how to create a FastEdge app. Check out our FastEdge overview article to learn more about the product.

You can create a FastEdge app in two ways: from a custom binary file using JavaScript SDK or Rust as well as from a preconfigured template. If you chose the latter option, skip Stage 1.

Stage 1. Create a Wasm binary file

To get started, create a .wasm file that you will later upload to the Gcore Customer Portal.

Via Rust

Step 1. Set up the environment

1. Install the Rust compiler and cargo (package manager):

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

2. Add the Wasm compilation target to Rust compiler:

rustup target add wasm32-wasi

Step 2. Prepare directory structure and a configuration file

1. Initialize the directory structure:

cargo new myapp --lib

2. Create a directory:

mkdir myapp/.cargo

3. Set the Wasm compilation target for the project by creating a config file myapp/.cargo/config.toml with the following content:

target = "wasm32-wasi"

4. Create the project manifest file myapp/Cargo.toml with the following content:

name = "myapp"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
fastedge = "0.1"

Step 3. Create a source

In this example, we’ll create a simple app that responds with "HTTP 200" and the text “Hello world!” in the response’s body.

Create a main source file src/lib.rs with the following content:

use fastedge::{
    http::{Request, Response, StatusCode, Error},
fn main(_req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
        .body(Body::from("Hello world!\n"))

Step 4. Compile a Wasm file

Produce the Wasm binary:

cargo build --release

The resulting Wasm code will be written to the myapp/target/wasm32-wasi/release/myapp.wasm file.

Via JavaScript SDK

A JavaScript code pattern closely resembles Service Worker API. You can also find multiple examples in the Gcore repository.

The key aspect of the Wasm configuration is to set up the addEventListener that has to synchronously call event.respondWith with a callback. This callback can be asynchronous and this is where you’d usually include any custom code to generate a response.

Here’s the sample configuration:

async function app(event) {
   const request = event.request;
   return new Response(`You made a request to ${request.url}`);
addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

Step 1. Install FastEdge Javascript SDK

Run the following command npm install --save-dev @gcoredev/fastedge-sdk-js

Step 2. Create a file

Taking the sample configuration as an input /src/input.js, create a Wasm binary as output /dist/main.wasm. To do so, use the following command: npx fastedge-build ./src/input.js dist/main.wasm

Stage 2. Deploy an application

For detailed steps on how to deploy a FastEdge app, refer to the relevant sections below:

  • In the Customer Portal. Follow the instructions if you created a custom Wasm using either the Rust or Javascript SDK, or if you want to create a FastEdge app from a preconfigured template.

  • Via command line: Follow the instructions if you want to deploy a custom Wasm using cURL and our API.

In the Customer Portal

Deploy an app from a binary

1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, navigate to FastEdge > Create application.

2. Click Upload binary.

Create an app page with highlighted Upload binary section

3. Choose your custom binary file.

4. Click Save binary to upload it.

Add raw binary dialog

5. Enter a name for your application and provide a description if needed.

6. (Optional) Add fixed headers to the responses. For example, you may include CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) headers in each response to ensure secure communication between origins.

7. (Optional) If you want to add metadata to the configuration, click Add parameters and enter metadata as key-value pairs.

Add raw binary dialog

8. In the top-right corner of the screen, click Save and deploy.

Your application has been successfully deployed. You can now test its configuration and adjust it as described in the following steps.

A page with a link to an app and its configuration

Deploy an app from a template

1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, navigate to FastEdge > Create application.

2. In the Launch from a template section, select the preferred template.

Section with Github and Markdown templates

3. Enter a name for your application and, optionally, update its description.

Open page with empty name and description fields

4. Provide the required environment variables for the application:

  • If you selected a GitHub template, enter the repository name and add your personal access token.

  • If you selected a Markdown template, enter the base part of the origin URL and add content from the <head> section of an HTML document.

5. (Optional) Add metadata as key-value pairs.

6. Click Save and deploy.

A page with a link to an app and its configuration

Your application has been successfully deployed. You can now test its configuration and adjust it as described in the following steps.

Via command line

1. Upload the Wasm binary to our edge servers by running the following API request from the repo’s root directory. Insert your permanent API token instead of the api_key:

curl -X 'POST'
'https://api.gcore.com/fastedge/v1/binaries/raw' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: APIKey api_key'
-H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'
--data-binary '@./dist/main.wasm'

In the response, you will receive the ID of the uploaded binary (<binary_id>). Make sure to save it, as it will be used in the following step.

2. Create the app by running the following API request:

curl -X 'POST'
-H 'name: app_name'
-H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'client_id: 0'
-H 'Authorization: APIKey api_key'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{ "binary": binary_id, "plan": "beta", "status": 1 }'


  • app_name is the unique name of your app.
  • api_key is your permanent API token.
  • binary_id is the ID of your uploaded Wasm binary.

Stage 3. Test an application

In the Customer Portal

You can test the application after its deployment by clicking the application link on the deployment confirmation screen:

A page with a link to an app and its configuration

Additionally, you can inspect and adjust the configuration in the Customer Portal on the Dashboards page:

1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, navigate to FastEdge > Dashboard.

Metrics tab with the list of FastEdge apps

2. Find the app you want to test and click its name to open it.

3. Click the app link next to the app status to view the response.

A page with a link to an app

For example, the response for the application configured in Stage 1 will be “Hello world!”

Via cURL

To test the app with cURL, run the following request: curl https://<app_name_assigned_at_the_previous_stage>.fastedge.gcore.dev/.

If everything is set up correctly, the response will be: “You made a request to /”

Stage 4 (Optional). Add more functionality

You can add more functionality to your app. For example, instead of printing “Hello world!”, the app can print all request headers and set a custom response header from the environment settings. Let’s see how to do that.

Via Rust

Step 1. Change the source

To print all request headers and develop a custom response header, replace the current content of the myapp/src/lib.rs file with the following:

use fastedge::{
    http::{Request, Response, StatusCode, Error},
use std::env;
fn main(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
    // print headers
    let mut body: String = "".to_string();
    for (h, v) in req.headers() {
        body.push_str(": ");
        match v.to_str() {
            Err(_) => body.push_str("not a valid text"),
            Ok(a) => body.push_str(a),
    // get value for custom header from the env var
    let value = match env::var("CUSTOM_HEADER").ok() {
        None => return Response::builder()
                    .body(Body::from("App misconfigured\n")),
        Some(val) => val
    // build response with body and custom header
        .header("Custom-Header", value)

The headers listed in the following step are passed to the FastEdge application, which uses the header content for functionalities like geolocation-aware redirects.

Step 2. Compile and upload the binary file

Update the application on the edge servers:

1. Compile a new Wasm file as described in step 4.

2. Upload it to the Gcore Customer Portal as a custom binary file.

When you open the app, you’ll see all request headers from the environment settings. It will be similar to the following output:

HTTP/2 200 server: nginx date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 22:17:46 GMT content-length: 616 custom-header: foo access-control-allow-origin: * cache-control: no-store x-id: ed-hw-edge-preprod-gc39 cache: MISS accept-ranges: bytes dc: ed geoip-asn: 7922 geoip-lat: 37.75580 geoip-long: -121.95270 geoip-reg: CA geoip-city: San Ramon geoip-continent: NA geoip-country-name: United States geoip-country-code: US server_addr: server_name: mistake-globe-6396.fastedge.gcore.dev connection: upgrade x-real-ip: x-forwarded-for: host: fastedge.gcore.dev x-forwarded-proto: https user-agent: curl/7.88.1 accept: */* cdn-loop: nb1d2; c=11 pop-long: 6.1294 pop-lat: 49.6113 pop-reg: LU pop-continent: EU pop-city: Luxembourg pop-country-code: LU pop-country-name: Luxembourg
  • custom-header: Custom header
  • dc: Data center
  • geoip-*: Client GeoIP data, such as asn, latitude, longitude, region, city, continent, country name, and country code
  • server_addr: PoP IP address
  • server_name: Application hostname
  • x-forwarded-for: Client IP address
  • pop-*: PoP GeoIP data, such as asn, latitude, longitude, region, city, continent, country name, and country code

Via JavaScript SDK

You can add more functionality to your app. For example, instead of printing “You made a request to /”, the app can print all request headers and set a custom response header from the environment settings.

Step 1. Print request headers and add custom response header

Replace the sample configuration in the src/input.js with the following code:

import { getEnv } from 'fastedge::getenv';

async function eventHandler(event) {
  const request = event.request;
  const customEnvVariable = getEnv('MY_CUSTOM_ENV_VAR');
  const headersStr = JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries()), null, 2);

  return new Response(`Headers: ${headersStr}\n`, {
    headers: {
      'Custom-Header': customEnvVariable,

addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {

The application logic (e.g., location-aware redirection) assumes the use of the headers listed in the following steps. The headers may change in the future.

Step 2. Compile a new Wasm binary

Run the command you used in the Stage 1: npx fastegde-build ./src/input.js ./dist/main.wasm

Step 3. Compile a new Wasm binary

Upload the new Wasm file to the edge servers with the same API request you executed in Stage 2:

curl -X 'POST'
-H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: APIKey api_key'
-H 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream'
--data-binary '@./dist/main.wasm'

Don’t forget to save the ID of the new Wasm binary, as you’ll need to use it in the following step.

Step 3. Update the app

Run the following API request:

curl -X 'PUT'
-H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'Authorization: APIKey api_key'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d '{ "binary": new_binary_id, "plan": "beta", "status": 1, "name": app_name, "env": { "MY_CUSTOM_ENV_VAR": "Custom-Header-Value" } }'


  • app_name is the unique name of your app.
  • app_id is the app ID.
  • api_key is your permanent API token.
  • binary_id is the ID of your uploaded Wasm binary.

Step 4. Test the app

Run the following curl request: curl https://<app_name>.fastedge.gcore.dev/, where <app_name> is the name of your application indicated in the previous step.

If everything is updated correctly, the response will be:

{ "Headers": { "dc": "ed", "my-custom-header": "Custom-Header-Value", "geoip-asn": "199524", "geoip-lat": "49.61130", "geoip-long": "6.12940", "geoip-reg": "LU", "geoip-city": "Luxembourg", "geoip-continent": "EU", "geoip-country-name": "Luxembourg", "geoip-country-code": "LU", "server_addr": "", "server_addrserver_name": "bear-wiggle-4732724.fastedge.gcore.dev", "connection": "upgrade", "x-real-ip": "", "x-cdn-requestor": "ed-hw-edge-preprod-gc39", "server_addrx-forwarded-for": "", "host": "fastedge.gcore.dev", "x-forwarded-proto": "https", "user-agent": "curl/7.81.0", "cdn-loop": "nb1d2; c=11", "server_addrpop-country-code": "LU", "server_addrpop-reg": "LU", "server_addrpop-country-name": "Luxembourg", "server_addrpop-lat": "49.6113", "server_addrpop-long": "6.1294", "server_addrpop-continent": "EU", "server_addrpop-city": "Luxembourg" } }
  • my-custom-header: Added custom header
  • dc: Data center
  • geoip-*: Client GeoIP data, such as asn, latitude, longitude, region, city, continent, country name, and country code
  • server_addr: PoP IP address
  • server_name: Application hostname
  • x-forwarded-for: Client IP address
  • pop-*: PoP GeoIP data, such as asn, latitude, longitude, region, city, continent, country name, and country code

Troubleshoot an application

If you’re having issues with your FastEdge application, the following sections offer helpful tips and troubleshooting suggestions.

HTTP status codes

If your application is correctly configured and works as expected, FastEdge will return the expected status code, such as "200 OK."

However, in some exceptional situations, you might get the following status codes. Check the descriptions to understand the root cause.

Status code Description
530 Internal FastEdge error.
531 Application has exceeded the allowed memory limit.
532 Application has timed out.
533 Application has crashed.

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