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Home/Hosting/Other services/DNS Hosting/Configure Managed DNS

Manage DNS Hosting

You can use our DNS hosting service to manage DNS records of your domains. You can manage up to 25 domains for free.

Activate DNS hosting

  1. In the list of services, click DNS hosting and then click Order.
 list of services
  1. In the window that opens, click Order.
  1. State whether you require annual auto renewal and specify the number of domains you wish to manage with this service. Then, click Add to cart.
Add to cart
  1. Click Proceed to checkout.
Proceed to checkout

A pop-up on the right side of the screen will confirm that the order has been successfully placed and paid for.

Set up DNS hosting

  1. Navigate to the DNS hosting service section, check the checkbox next to the relevant service, and then click To panel. This will open the DNS hosting control panel.
DNS hosting service section
  1. In the window that opens, click DNS settings.
DNS settings
  1. Provide the following settings:
Provide the following settings

Administrator email: Specify an email address of the administrator responsible for the domain’s DNS. It will be listed in the start of authority (SOA) records of the managed domains.

Name servers: Since you’re using our DNS service to manage DNS for domains added in the service, your Gcore NS values are already filled by default. Don’t change the value in this field!

Mail servers: Specify the mail server(s) that will manage email for this domain. Those servers will be listed in the MX records of your domain.

Subdomains: Enter the subdomains that will be automatically created and linked to your main domain. Those subdomains will be indicated in the A records of your domain.

  1. Click OK to apply the settings.

Manage domains

  1. Navigate to DNS hosting, check the checkbox next to the relevant service, and then click To panel.
Manage domains
  1. In the window that opens, click Add a new domain.
Add a new domain
  1. Specify the domain you wish to manage along with the associated settings.
Specify the domain

Type: Indicate whether the new domain is a master or a slave domain. A master domain contains and manages records of the domain zone. Multiple slaves can be connected to the master. A slave domain receives and retains information about domain zones from the master.

Domain name: Enter the domain for which you wish to manage DNS records.

IP address: Enter the IP address of the server hosting your domain.

Administrator email (for the master type domains only): Specify an email address of the administrator responsible for the domain’s DNS. It will be listed in the Start of Authority (SOA) records of the managed domains.

  1. Click OK.

You can view the created record in the Domain names tab.

Domain names tab

Manage DNS records

  1. In the DNS Hosting control panel, navigate to the Domain names tab. Check the checkbox next to the domain for which you wish to set records. Then, click Records.
DNS Hosting control panel
  1. A list of DNS records of the selected domain will appear. Click Add to add a new record.
add a new record
  1. Modify the record you wish to add:
Modify the record

Name: Enter a subdomain, excluding the main domain.

TTL: Indicate the duration for which a DNS record should be cached.

Type: Specify the type of record.

Additional fields: Fill in the fields that appear based on the record type. For instance, for an A record, an IP address is required, whereas for a PTR record, you need to specify a domain name.

  1. Click OK.

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