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Order a Virtual Server

Rent a server

After you choose a plan (on the website or the shop window), an order page will open.


The order window contains information about the price of additional IP addresses, OS, and total cost of the order with all options. Additional IP addresses can be purchased at this step by simply moving the slider to the right.

Select the OS you want to install on the server. Please note that all operating systems are free, except Windows — it is paid additionally, and the cost will be included in the plan. Besides, you have to enter the domain name that will be linked to your server — you need to buy or register it from a third-party provider. The domain name must be at least the second level, contain no more than 63 characters in each of the levels, and have a total length of no more than 255 characters. If you leave this field blank, it will default to the domain and can be changed later.

To order, click "Add to cart" and then "Pay". The system will show you available payment methods. After payment, your server will be automatically activated within 3 hours.

If server is still in «Activation in progress» status after 3 hours, get in touch with us via chat or ticket from Control Panel.

Renew your server rent

Server renewal is automatic. After the period you paid for has passed (you set its duration and pay for this period in a one-time payment when buying a server) the server will automatically switch to daily billing. Your account balance will be charged every day at the same price proportionally to the number of days in a month. For example, if there are 30 days in a month, 1/30 of the plan cost will be charged every day.

How soon server is activated after purchase

Server can be in «Activation in progress» status from 15 minutes to 3 hours. After this server gets «Active» status and is ready to work.

Also, you may have server in «Ordered» status. It means that you haven't paid for this server yet. Make sure that you have enough money on the account balance and add funds if not. Then server gets «Activation in progress» status.

If server is still in «Activation in progress» status after 3 hours, get in touch with us via chat or ticket from Control Panel.

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