Not safe for work (NSFW) content moderation task identifies and filters materials that are inappropriate for workplace environment.
Our algorithm flags content as NSFW if it's potentially unsuitable for viewing in public places. If such content is detected, the AI model will provide its confidence level (in percentage) of how sure it is that the content is NSFW.
To run the NSFW detection check:
1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, navigate to Streaming > AI. The AI tasks page will open.
2. In the Origin URL field, enter the link to your MP4 video. You have two options:
Paste video origin URL: If your video is stored externally, provide a URL to its location. Ensure that the video is accessible via HTTP or HTTPS protocols.
To check the example of correctly formatted URL, use the link under the field. It will autogenerate a sample URL and you can adjust your URL accordingly.
Select from uploaded videos: choose a video hosted on the Gcore platform.
3. In the Task type, choose Content moderation.
4. In the following dropdown, select NSFW detection.
5. Click Generate task.
6. Wait until the task is processed and has the Sucess status, click the task ID to view task details.
7. Check out the Task result field. You can have one of the following outputs:
NSFW detection: not found. This means that your video has no NSFW content.
If some sensitive content is found, you’ll get the info about the detected element, relevant iFrame, and the confidence level in % of how sure AI is that this content is NSFW. For example, you can get the following output: “nsfw: detected at frame №2 with score 41%”.
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