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Home/CDN/CDN resource options/Access/Specify HTTP methods

Specify HTTP methods allowed for content requests from the CDN

You can choose HTTP methods for your CDN content. By default, the following methods are allowed:

  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT

To manage allowed HTTP method:

1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, navigate to CDN. You'll be directed to the CDN resources page.

2. Find the needed resource and click on its CNAME to open the settings.

CDN resources page with a resource CNAME highlighted

3. Scroll down to the HTTP methods section and click the Enable HTTP methods toggle to specify the necessary methods. The other methods you haven't specified will be blocked.

HTTP methods section in resource settings

The most used methods are GET, HEAD, and POST. Thus, we suggest allowing at least these ones.

If some methods aren't allowed to the user, that user will get the 405 (Method Not Allowed) response. If the method isn't supported by your server, the user will get the 501 (Not Implemented) response.

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