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Add an SSL certificate to deliver content over HTTPS

What is an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate is a unique digital signature for your website that verifies the authenticity of your domain and allows you to configure the HTTPS protocol for the site. This protocol provides a secure connection between a client and a server. It is essential when sensitive information is being transferred, such as during financial transactions. Learn more about SSL certificates in our Learning article.

If you want to deliver content using our CDN via secured HTTPS protocol, you need to add an SSL certificate for your CDN resource’s custom domain.

Note: You can only attach one certificate per CDN resource.

SSL certificate types in Gcore

In Gcore, two types of SSL certificates are available:

  1. Your own SSL certificate. You can issue a certificate for the custom domain in the format, e.g., cdn.example.com from a third-party company and add its data to the Gcore Customer Portal. Either do so during CDN resource creation or add it later.

  2. Free Let’s Encrypt certificate. You can issue a free Let’s Encrypt certificate for your custom domain. All data will be added automatically by Gcore. Either do so during CDN resource creation or add it later.

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