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Home/CDN/Getting Started/Integrate CDN with CMS and other platforms/IPB

Integrate CDN resource with IPB

Before you take any steps please back up your files and database. The plugin works only with default CMS pattern. If you manually changed CMS patterns plugin might not help you.

IPB version 3.2. and newer ones support automatic integration with the CDN

Login to the administration management console.

Go to System settings → General configuration settings

Scroll down to images, CSS and JS URL settings.

In CNAME field type CNAME that you specified in the Gcore Customer Portal. Ensure that your CNAME record has been configured in a proper way before using it for integration.

Save the settings.

Integration has been completed! We highly recommend you to check the HTML code of your webpage to ensure that URLs have been rewritten properly from your original ones to CNAME from the Gcore Customer Portal.

To do that press F12 or open Developers Tools in your browser, choose the Network tab and refresh the page. All static files should have your CNAME in URLs.

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