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Home/Account settings/Billing/Bonus credits

Use bonus credits

Bonus credits are special points that are credited to your account for a particular period of time. You can use them to pay for our products. Bonuses are credited to a special bonus account by the decision of the company's management.

We convert bonuses at the following rate: 1 bonus = 1 unit of currency used in your personal account. For example, € 50 bonuses will equal to 50 euros.

View your bonuses

You can check available bonus credits in the billing settings on the Bonus credits page.

Bonus credits page

1. Your bonus credits. Current bonuses that are available in your account. After you receive a bonus, it will appear in this section.

2. Have a promo code? Click this link to apply available bonus credits.

3. Bonus credits table. This table will display all your bonus credits, their statuses, and expiration dates.

Bonus credits statuses

Your bonus credits can have the following statuses:

  • Credited: Bonus credits have been credited by the company to your account. 

  • Charge for expense ID: Bonuses have been debited from your balance for expense ID. 

  • Expired: Bonuses are canceled because you haven’t used them before the expiration date.

Apply a bonus

After you receive a bonus, you need to apply it so that the bonus will appear on the Bonus credits page:

1. In the sidebar, click the Have a promo code? link.

Add a code link

2. In the Promo code field, enter your code and then click Apply.

A dialog to enter code for bonuses

3. You’ll see a confirmation message informing you that the code has been applied successfully.

Confirmation dialog

You can now use the bonus to pay for the Gcore products of your choice.

Bonuses debiting

Bonuses are debited automatically as a part of the payment for products: 

  • If you are registered as an individual customer, the amount debited from the payment resource will be reduced by the number of bonus credits.  
  • If you are registered as a company, the number of bonuses will be counted as a discount in your invoice.

As bonus credits reduce the taxable amount of expenses, the tax is also recalculated downward. 

Manage your bonuses

To view all your transactions with bonus credits, navigate to the Bonus credits page:

1. In the Gcore Customer Portal, navigate to the account settings in the top-right corner of the screen, and click Billing.

Dashboard page with account settings dialog

2. Open the Bonus credits page.

Bonus credits page

This page displays information about bonus credits and all operations with the bonus account: the date when bonus credits were credited, the number of bonus credits in the currency of your personal profile, their expiration date, and status.

For a better search of the needed bonus credits, use the search by sum and date.

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