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Connect to a Linux server via SSH

Via SSH, you can remotely connect to CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu and FreeBSD servers. You can connect to a Windows server using the RDP protocol.

1. Open the list of your servers and click on the one you need. Click the Instructions button.


A tab with instructions will open. You will need a username, a server IP address, and a password.

A tab with instructions

2. Open a terminal (for Linux) or a command line (for Windows) on your computer. Enter the command: 

ssh [username]@[server IP]

For example, if the instructions say "user: root" and "server IP address:", then the command would be:


3. The connection will prompt you for a password. Enter the password from the instructions. For example, if the instructions say "password: YHr4mhn7hFJeN", enter YHr4mhn7hFJeN.

Please note: In some SSH clients, the password cannot be copied and pasted; it must be entered manually. The letters you enter will not be displayed on the screen to protect your password. Type the symbols and press Enter.

Type the symbols

Once the connection is established, you can manage the Virtual Server remotely from your computer.

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