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Home/Hosting/Dedicated Servers/Manage/Networking/VLAN

Connect Dedicated Servers into a VLAN

VLAN - virtual local network that allows working in an internal network regardless of physical server locations.

In order to set up VLAN between your servers, you should use DCI Manager.

VLAN initiation

1. Go to DCI manager and choose VLAN section.

VLAN section.

2. Click Add button to create a new VLAN.

new VLAN

3. Type a name for VLAN. For example, MyVLAN. Click ОК. 

Type a name for VLAN

Adding new members

You should add members to realize an interaction by virtual local network. VLAN can be set up only for servers that belong to one account. 

1. Highlight a created VLAN and go to VLAN Members section. 

VLAN Members section.

2. Click Add


3. Choose a server you need to add in a drop-down list. 

Choose a server you need to add in a drop-down list.

4. In a Port section choose an interface of the server and click OK

 Port section

After that VLAN is ready to use. A number of servers that can be added to VLAN is unlimited.

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