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Home/Streaming platform/Video Hosting/Manage videos/All videos

Upload a video and embed it to your app

How to upload videos to the Video hosting storage

1. Go to the Video Hosting tab, click the Add button and select Upload video.

Video Hosting tab

2. Upload a video using one of the following actions:  

  • drag your video to the upload area
  • click Select a file and choose a video from a folder on your computer,
  • click Upload from the origin and specify the video URL.
Upload a video

3. Wait until your video is uploaded and processed. Waiting time varies depending on video size and Internet speed.

Wait until your video is uploaded

4. Click either the name of the video or three dots on the right and "Settings" in the drop-down menu to go to the settings of the uploaded video.

settings of the uploaded video

5. Change the video settings if it's necessary. You can:

  • Name: Change its name (it will be displayed in the control panel)
  • Description: Enter a description (it will be displayed in the control panel)
  • Player: Select custom player, if you enabled the Players feature
  • Tags: Select tags for a video
  • Subtitles: Add subtitles and choose a subtitle language
  • Screensaver: Select a screensaver from screenshots or upload a screensaver from your computer

Note: Don't forget to save changes.

video settings

6. Go to the "Export" tab and copy an iFrame code to embed the video to your website, a URL of the video page or URL for your own player.

On this tab you can choose the video size and download the uploaded video in the required quality by selecting its bitrate and clicking Download video.   

Export tab  

If the video is requested over a direct link or from the website where you have inserted the iFrame code, all views will be counted for the statistics. To see it go to the video settings (step 5) and click the "Statistics" tab.

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