What is Managed Kubernetes

What is Managed Kubernetes

Managed Kubernetes services simplify the complexity of containerized environments, handling the entire lifecycle of Kubernetes clusters for businesses moving towards agile infrastructures. These services free teams from the nuances of cluster management, allowing them to focus on development and application deployment. This article will explore Managed Kubernetes, detailing how it works, its features, and benefits to enhance your application development process, with a special focus on how Gcore implements these solutions.

Understanding Managed Kubernetes

Managed Kubernetes, also known as “Managed K8s,” is a service that cloud providers offer to simplify containerized applications’ deployment, scaling, and operations. In this section, let’s discuss the fundamental aspects of Managed Kubernetes, highlighting why it has become a preferred solution for businesses looking to leverage the power of Kubernetes without the complexity of managing it in-house.

Key Concepts of Managed Kubernetes

  • Automation. Managed Kubernetes automates critical processes such as configuration, updates, and scaling, making cluster management more efficient.
  • Scalability. It allows organizations to easily scale their infrastructure up or down based on demand without needing to manage the physical hardware.
  • High Availability. Ensures that applications are always available and resilient to failures, with strategies like multi-zone clustering and automatic failover.

Benefits of Managed Kubernetes

  • Reduced Overhead. Businesses can reduce the need for in-house Kubernetes expertise and lower their operational costs.
  • Enhanced Security. Managed services often come with built-in security protocols, including regular patches and updates to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Focus on Core Business. Companies can focus more on developing their core applications and less on the underlying infrastructure.

Use Cases of Managed Kubernetes

By eliminating the complexities of Kubernetes cluster management, Managed Kubernetes empowers organizations to unlock the full potential of containerization. This versatile and scalable solution allows them to focus their resources on innovation and application development across a wide range of scenarios. Let’s explore some key use cases for Managed Kubernetes:

Use CaseDescription
Web ApplicationsSupports environments like e-commerce with dynamic scaling to manage traffic spikes and continuous deployment for enhanced development cycles and user experience.
Microservices ArchitectureProvides tools for managing large numbers of services, facilitating service discovery and load balancing to help with the deployment, scaling, and management of components.
Batch ProcessingOptimizes resource allocation and job scheduling for tasks that require intense computational power over short periods, effectively managing these spikes in demand.
Machine Learning and AISupports the computational demands of training, deploying, and running machine learning models and inference scenarios, enabling parallel experimentation without performance degradation.
Internet of Things (IoT)Aids in managing IoT applications that require integration with a multitude of devices and sensors, and supports edge computing to reduce latency for real-time applications.
Disaster RecoveryEnsures minimal downtime for critical applications by replicating pods across multiple nodes and data centers, and facilitates robust data backup and recovery solutions.

Why Managed Kubernetes is Essential

Managed Kubernetes services address the complexity of setting up and maintaining Kubernetes by simplifying these processes while still offering a good level of control, ensuring organizations can focus on their core functions. Our Kubernetes experts are on hand to apply best practices and troubleshooting techniques for our customers, enhancing operational efficiency.

Furthermore, these services keep your infrastructure up-to-date with the latest Kubernetes features and optimizations, eliminating the burden of manual updates and giving your organization an innovative edge in a competitive landscape.

Managed Kubernetes Use Cases

Managed Kubernetes is ideal for various applications, including web applications, where it excels in managing the lifecycle of applications experiencing fluctuating traffic. It also provides an efficient environment for deploying and managing a microservices architecture, enhancing modularity and scalability. Additionally, it proves invaluable in handling batch processing jobs that require rapid scaling, making it a versatile choice for businesses with diverse operational needs.

With Managed Kubernetes integration, businesses can unlock the full potential of container technology while simplifying management tasks and improving performance. This service enables organizations to innovate and thrive in the fast-paced digital landscape of today.

How Does Managed Kubernetes Work?

Using Managed Kubernetes can streamline the process of deploying, managing, and scaling applications in containers across a cluster of machines. To make container orchestration less complicated and more efficient for organizations of all sizes, Managed Kubernetes follows a step-by-step process. Here’s a detailed description of how Managed Kubernetes functions.

#1 Cluster Setup

  • Service Provider Setup. The cloud provider configures and launches a Kubernetes cluster based on the customer’s specifications. This includes setting up multiple Master Nodes to ensure resiliency, which orchestrate the cluster, along with Worker Nodes where the applications run.
  • Master Node Components. Key components such as the API Server, Scheduler, and etcd (a key-value store for cluster data) are initialized. These components manage the state of the cluster, handle scheduling of applications, and respond to cluster changes.

#2 Application Deployment

  • Container Orchestration. Users deploy their applications as containers, which are packaged with all necessary dependencies. Kubernetes schedules these containers on the Worker Nodes.
  • Configuration and Secrets Management. Kubernetes manages sensitive information and configurations separately from the container images, using Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps.

#3 Scaling and Load Balancing

  • Automatic Scaling. Managed Kubernetes automatically adjusts the number of active containers based on the workload. This is achieved through Horizontal Pod Autoscaling, which adjusts the number of pods in a deployment or replica set.
  • Load Balancing. Kubernetes provides built-in mechanisms to distribute network traffic and service discovery among multiple instances of an application, improving performance and availability.

#4 Self-Healing Mechanisms

  • Health Checks. Kubernetes constantly monitors the health of nodes and containers. If a container fails, Kubernetes restarts it automatically; if a node fails, the containers are rescheduled on other nodes.
  • Maintenance and Updates. The cloud provider manages the underlying software and hardware, ensuring the cluster is always running on secure and up-to-date systems.

#5 Monitoring and Management

  • Monitoring Tools. Providers offer tools to monitor the health and performance of the clusters and applications. These tools provide insights into resource usage, application performance, and operational health.
  • Management Interface. Most cloud providers offer a user interface or command-line tools for managing Kubernetes resources, monitoring the state of the cluster, and configuring alerts.

#6 Security Enforcement

  • Network Policies. Managed Kubernetes enforces network policies that control the flow of traffic between pods and external sources, ensuring that only authorized services can communicate.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Access to the Kubernetes API is controlled using RBAC, which regulates what operations users can perform on cluster resources.

Code Example: Deploying an Application

Here’s a simple example using YAML to deploy an application in Kubernetes:

apiVersion: apps/v1

kind: Deployment
  name: my-app
  replicas: 3
      app: my-app
        app: my-app
      - name: my-app
        image: my-app-image:latest
        - containerPort: 80

This YAML file defines a deployment object in Kubernetes that maintains three replicas of my-app, using the my-app-image. Each instance of the application will listen on port 80.

Managed Kubernetes Workflow

  • Provisioning. Initially, the provider sets up the Kubernetes cluster according to specified configurations.
  • Deployment. Users deploy their applications using container images which are then managed by the Kubernetes environment.
  • Scaling. As demand increases or decreases, the provider automatically scales the worker nodes.
  • Maintenance and Updates. Routine maintenance, updates, and patches are applied by the provider to ensure stability and security.
  • Monitoring. The entire environment is monitored to preemptively address issues and ensure smooth operations.

Note: This is a simplified overview. The specific implementation details may vary depending on the chosen Managed Kubernetes provider and its service offerings.

Why Choose Gcore for Your Managed Kubernetes

At Gcore, we offer a fully managed Kubernetes solution that helps businesses manage the complex underlying infrastructure of Kubernetes clusters. The diagram below illustrates how it works:

Kubernetes solution diagram with Control Plane, Worker Nodes, Storage, and Load Balancers

Here are the key reasons why Gcore is the ideal choice for your Managed Kubernetes needs:

Comprehensive Management

Gcore takes full responsibility for both the setup, configuration, and operation of your Kubernetes clusters and the management of crucial infrastructure elements such as the control plane, API server, etcd, scheduler, and controller manager. This comprehensive management ensures your systems are always optimized for performance and that your clusters run smoothly without any administrative burden, allowing you to focus on strategic business activities.

Tailored Infrastructure

We offer customized solutions where the worker nodes and computing infrastructure are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of your organization and are efficiently autoscaled based on your configuration settings to manage varying workloads. Additionally, Gcore provides direct access to worker nodes via SSH, granting you the flexibility to perform necessary customizations or troubleshooting as needed.

High Availability and Scalability

Gcore’s services are engineered to facilitate the deployment of large sets of containers seamlessly, providing scalability and fault tolerance to ensure your applications run continuously without interruption. Additionally, Gcore offers a highly-available environment that supports your deployments, guaranteeing ongoing operation even under heavy loads or during partial system failures, thus enhancing overall service reliability.

Reliable Service Level Agreements (SLAs) of 99.9%

Gcore guarantees high Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with its managed master nodes, offering you peace of mind regarding the reliability and uptime of your Kubernetes infrastructure, complemented by expert support. Our knowledgeable Kubernetes experts are integral to delivering exceptional customer experience, ensuring that your team can concentrate on development and innovation without being hindered by operational concerns.

Optimal Performance

Managed Kubernetes with Gcore that your containerized applications perform optimally, leveraging the latest advancements in Kubernetes technology without the need for manual updates.

Choosing Gcore for your Managed Kubernetes service means partnering with a provider that not only understands the complexities of Kubernetes but also excels in delivering a seamless, robust, and scalable container management solution. This partnership allows you to focus more on your core business activities while leaving the intricacies of Kubernetes management to the experts.


Containerization offers agility, but managing numerous microservices in the cloud is complex. Managed Kubernetes simplifies this by automating deployment, scaling, and operations. This frees organizations to focus on innovation. It offers automation, scalability, and high availability for various applications, reducing costs and boosting security. By leveraging Managed Kubernetes, businesses can unlock the full potential of containerization and accelerate digital transformation. Gcore offers Managed Kubernetes for companies and technical decision-makers seeking the benefits of Kubernetes without the attendant complexities and cost escalations of its unmanaged equivalents.

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What is Managed Kubernetes

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